I am sorry that you have chosen not to receive Christ today. But I would like to
encourage you to reconsider. Click here to see some of the benefits of Salvation.
Now, if you are confused about God or you have some questions you would like to ask, please feel free to send those in to us or give us a call on our prayer line (1-800-248-8662). We have people on staff who are there just waiting for someone like you to call in. We want to be able to help you.
And you know, if you leave this web site today and you don't make a decision or you don't give us a call, who will that hurt? No one but your self and possibly your family. Won't you give us a call or send us some email?
We are so glad that you have spent some time with us today. We hope that you make that crucial decision that will impact the rest of your life and turn to Jesus.
If you do make a decision, please let us know either by writing or calling. We would like to encourage you.
Until then, we are praying for you as we pray for all truckers and their families who are on the road or at home.